Thursday, September 4, 2008


Mrs. McCain said she is so proud that her husband chose a hockey mom, moose-hunting, gun packing, basketball shooting, blah blah blah mother of five as a Vice president"...and something inside me sings..."and a partridge in a pear tree." WAKE UP REPUBS!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!
The next thing they'll say is she is faster than a speeding bullet...well, they did say she flew 14 hours after her "water" broke and gave birth the same day. Hospital records proving that statement are yet to be found.

Oh how low can you go? Once you tell one lie you have to tell others. She's excited about being a grandma at 44. She can't wait to be a mother in law to the grown man who got her teenage daughter pregnant. Country first?: she led a team to try to make Alaska independent.
Wow! she's the least desperate housewife of them all!!!! Puhlease!!!! GIVE UP NOW, REPUBS!!! YOU'VE HAD 8 Years! Its OVER FOR YOU LIARS & WAR LOVERS!!!

P.S. That "Levi" sure looks uncomfortable sitting in the audience...Bristol's face says it all, "Cmon, we have to do this for mom. It's really important. She's trying to win..Please don't say anything."
It's only a matter of time before he gets tired of the hogwash and reveals the truth to America....

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